07 - Malware, Intrusion, Vulnerabilities¶
Noter til dagens tekst¶
Resumé af 'Malware' (kap. 23)
Def. 23-1. Malicious logic, more commonly called malware, is a set of instructions that cause a site's security policy to be violated.
Def. 23-2. A Trojan horse is a program with an overt (documented or known) purpose and a covert (undocumented or unexpected) purpose.
A rootkit is a pernicious Trojan horse. It hides itself on a system so it can carry out its actions without detection. (Kan være uhyggeligt svære at komme af med.)
Def. 23-3. A propagating Trojan horse (also called a replicating Trojan horse) is a Trojan horse that creates a copy of itself.
Def. 23-4. A computer virus is a program that inserts (a possibly transformed version of) itself into one or more files and then performs some (possibly null) action.
- Virusser opererer i to faser:
1. Insertion phase; hvor virussen indsætter sig selv i programkode.
2. Execution phase; hvor virussen udfører en handling.
Def. 23-12. A Polymorphic virus is a virus that changes the form of its decryption routine each time it inserts itself into another program.
Def. 23-14. Worm
Def. 23-15. Bot
Def. 23-17. Logic bomb
Def. 23-18. Adware
Def. 23-20. Spyware
Def. 23-21. Ransomware
Phishing og Spearphishing
Theorem 23.2 It is undecidable whether an arbitrary program contains a malicious logic.
Behavioral signatures, static analysis, behavioral analysis
Sandboxing (containment)
Resumé af 'Vulnerability Analysis' (kap. 24)
Ikke læst; noter fra undervisningen:
Blackbox, greybox, whitebox
Rules of engangement (kramse-slide 27).
CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CWE - Common Weaknesses and Exposures
Noter fra undervisningen (slides)¶
Kapitel 23 - Malware¶
Program integrity checker
- Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE)
Eksempler på Malware
- Morris Worm (kramse-slide s. 10)
- Stuxnet (kramse-slide s. 11)
Maltrail is a malicious traffic detection system.
OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
Kapitel 24 - Vulnerability Analysis¶
Penetration testing OWASP Penetration testing methodologies
Kig kramse-slides igennem.
Buffers and stacks
Return oriented programming